The Lies and Slander of BEZ
Well, it seem my exposure of the lies and slander of the bullyBEZ have struck home. He stoop to a new low, thretening me with legal action. Here is the email legal threatletter I got today from his atourney:
February 26, 2004
Author and Publisher of "The Lies and Slander of BEZ" Weblog
Dear "RogUe":
This firm represents BadassBEZARK, a distinguished Contributing Editor of
Spank magazine, and an author and contributor to
Whack! magazine,
Big Beastly Beautiful Babes magazine, and a host of other scientific journals, too numerous to mention. It has come to our client's attention that you have posted false and defamatory statements about him on your "weblog," "The Lies and Slander of BEZ." The name you have chosen for your "blog" is most unfortunate, and, we believe, defamatory
per se. Moreover, you posted a private family photograph of Mr. BEZARK, depicting him in an unflattering manner. You have additionally posted numerous libelous statements regarding Mr. BEZARK on your "blog." Mr. BEZARK is a pillar of his community, with a sterling, unblemished reputation. Your scurrilous statements about him, and your theft and publication of his private photos, are are all actionable torts subjecting you to actual and punitive damages.
Determining your identity for the purpose of making service of process can be easily accomplished through a subpoena to
Keeping that in mind, be advised that Mr. BEZARK demands that you delete your entire weblog, and cease and desist from making false and defamatory statements about Mr. BEZARK in the future. This is your opportunity to resolve this matter without legal expense and exposure to liability and damages. If the offending blog is not removed within 72 hours, further legal action will be taken.
Aloysius Colagnt, Esq.
So, this his tatic to silenze the truth. Well, I not afraid of bullyBEZ. True I stole that pitcher but he posted it once before, I beleeve, so all is fair. "Pillar of his community." What community, BEZ, the bums and drunks under the bridge community?
Come and get me. I dare you!
Well, the madBEZ lies and slander reaching a new pich of revisionist hystrionics as he post fake picture of me on his attack blog
al Bezeera. That not me and I can prove it, I have a freiend who will atest to that. He will be glad to tell of his expereince with the demented stalker BEZ.
It burns BEZ I'm holding the brass ring Of a happy life while he have to play these games, his hate shows, his deceit and yes his envy. It not just me. He attack anyone and everyone that reveals the self appointed monitor of board virtue not only has not cloths but can't stop playing with himself.
Well, I see again today the psychoBEZ is romping in his nest of lies, the slimy pond of romper waste where he pretend to be a man of some improtance. Well you rompers who shealter his lies and slander, ask yourselfs this: if psychoBEZ has job, why he not pay me the money he owe me?
Like pus gushing from a lanced boil on an overweight draft-dodging radio talk show host's butt, the lies and slanders spew forth from
al Bezeera
Such a petty obssesion with me that does nothing more than reveal the sad state of the "man" behind the mask of bullyBEZ. Perhaps his fixaton with me stems from shame, shame becaues he owes me money. Lots of money. Yes, I tole him he could use my name to run tab at Suck Bang Blow but readers, how could I have known that he would rack up $1,898.79 in drinks and "entertainment" in one night? Who would have expected my gracios guesture to be taken advantage of by one who would stuff his coat pockets with 12 packs of Courvoisier minibottels? I call on BEZ now to do the honorable thing and pay me, pay me what he owes me. BEZ, if you "job" not paying you much that's okay, you can send me $5 a month for the next 32 years.
I offer you this option as a favor to you, madBEZ, so you can prove you honor.
The psychobez's obsession with me has reached new heights, or depths, I should say. He is now proclaiming his lies and slander from a Blogger site devoted entirely to defaming me. He pretended innosense; little does he know that my team of high-powered Internet lawyers has already determined that he is the cuprilt. The rompers are also shealtering his viscous lies.
Soon his mask be ripped away and his frajile house of cards will blow like dust in the hot wind from the dying gasp of a primoridal - prirmorei - primorioridal - a really old slimly pond.
Then I will be the one laffing and dansing.
Well, frankly bez bores me now. TTFN!
Whither the madbez? His need to nip at others' heels all day long with insults and impotent cries of lies as he bathes in them; trite labels and a prissy hateful demeanor verify the only fact his handle has come to mean to me. He is a sad hateful loser always jealous of those that have comfort and ability to keep pace with modern life.
Well, I see no bullybez today. Did bez run away? The big man is not so big when you take off his mask.
Welcome, friends - welcome to the scores of people who have emailed me, thanking me profusely for my campaign to stop the lies and slander of the board bully BEZ . . . the man behind the BEZ mask will be fully exposed here in days to come.
Stay tuned.