The Lies and Slander of BEZ
Well, BEZ hit botom today with the caracter assination in his new blog entry, a phoney letter from Tom Rige. These lies and slander stops now. You will here from my lawyers BEZ.
Well, I see BEZ and his managrie of of "freinds," the primates and eight legged freaks in there imp coats, still up to there old tricks as they plum the slimly depths of the virtual toliet they call home. Yes BEZ sink to new low as he tant and imp a unstable woman, on a religon board yet. At long last BEZ, where is you descency?
BEZ and the other children of the cyper shadows, still kicking and stomping as they exhale there fowl breath into the dusty wastes of there little romper playground, where they play there angst as emotional rants of class warfare as they drink their next "shot" anally.
As for me my reach is global and I have better things to do.
I have not update this blog in a while but unlike
some peopel I very busy, yes a very important financal firm depend on me for my expretise. Yes, my reach is global and I have littel time these days to flush the toliet of life.
Well I see my influenze has been felt at Disney. Micheal
Esiner has been force out and I for one am not sad. For too long he did nothing while bullyBEZ and his romper cohorts turn the go boards into the shame of Disny, this sewer pond where reptile rompers drive descent poster away and
some people like to make rape jokes and brag about they income, well I could boast too about my 6 figure income but that would be beneeth me. Well anyway it seem my efforts pade off as the shareholders sent strong message to Disney brass that they will not tolrate lies and slander on the go boards. I put the word on The Street myself and put bug in ere of some influ - infule - peopel who own a lot of shares.
So tilt at those windmills in you little cesspools while you still can, madBEZ, you days are numbered.